Veriato Investigator

Veriato Investigator installs quickly, records detailed information on employee activity, and enables fast, accurate, and efficient exploration and playback of the recorded data during employee investigations. Veriato employee investigation software provides the answers you need so informed decisions get made.


  • Captures everything on a monitored computer’s screen with any frequency, from the default of every 30 seconds to as often as every second. Screen snapshots can be exported as individual BMP or JPG graphic files or exported together as an AVI video file.
  • Tracks any website activity of an employee, not just how long a user had the website open, but how much time was spent engaged with the site.
  • Records traditional email clients (Outlook/POP/SMTP/IMAP) as well as many popular webmail services, even behind SSL encryption.
  • Watches chat and instant messaging in nearly every web chat room or messaging client.
  • Enables to track specific USB, CD, and DVD drives. Sees when new files are created and when existing files are edited, renamed or deleted. Tracks print operations.
  • Enables the capture of every keystroke, including “hidden” characters and keystroke combinations.
  • Captures information about every application and every window opened by a user, every day.
  • Records network activity to see which applications are connecting to the Internet, when and where the connections are made, the IP ports they use, and the amount of network bandwidth consumed by those connections.

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