OneSpan Risk Analytics

OneSpan Risk Analytics identifies and prioritizes fraudulent transactions for fraud analysts to review. By implement-ing measures to perform real-time moni-toring of transactional risks, recognizing known fraud scenarios, and identifying suspicious payees, organizations can add value to its existing fraud solution, achieve compliance, and better protect their customers.


  • Has pre-built, configurable rules and policies help prevent fraudulent or unauthorized changes (new payee, user profile, fаund transfer).
  • Identifies new devices for known and unknown users.
  • Determines device trust by automatic device correlation and mapping of its location and usage patterns.
  • Analysis transaction risk by using device, application, and transaction data between the mobile device and the financial institution.
  • Identifies fraudulent transactions based on transaction data and beneficiary payments history.
  • Automatically aggregates and monitors all transactions, potential fraud attempts, and suspicious activities via single UI with interactive fraud visualization tools.
  • Сan be hosted on a public cloud or own servers.
  • Analysis risks by machine learning that reduces the number of fraudulent cases that need to be reviewed by fraud analysts.
  • Automatically alerts if fraud is identified and potential fraudulent events.
  • Automatically profiles risks on the base of ana-lyzes of user, application, and transaction data to identify transactions that are out of the usual scope and contextual pattern.
  • Complies with PSD2 Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2)